Tutorials for accessing GeoNet Data

GeoNet has a wide range of data that are collected for monitoring and researching geohazards in New Zealand. We have built several tutorials to help access this data through data services.

GeoNet's Key Data Services:

Before using GeoNet data please ensure you have read and understood our Data Policy and Disclaimer. To cite our datasets, please also use the DOI's (Digital Object Identifiers) on our Data Policy page.


The following section links to tutorials describing access to various GeoNet datasets via AWS, FDSN, FITS, or Tilde. These tutorials are written in Python and we have now deprecated our tutorials written in R. If you would like to access the notebooks written in R, please use this [github commit (https://github.com/GeoNet/data-tutorials/tree/5609561894b924211da975d1794eb00b5fcff99d)]. In order to improve the interaction between the code and users, the tutorials are Jupyter Notebooks, which integrates code and its output into a single document that combines visualisations, narrative text, mathematical equations, and other media.

These tutorials use Python 3. We do not support Python 2.7.

Coastal Sea Level Gauge Data

These tutorials demostrate how to access Coastal Sea Level data (colloquially known as tsunami gauge data) through AWS, FDSN, and Tilde. The tutorials are presented in Jupyter notebooks and written in Python.

Tutorial name Description
AWS Open Data tutorial Accessing tsunami gauge data using the AWS Open Data Program.
FDSN Clients tutorial Demonstrates different ways to manage multiple clients, including the GeoNet archive and near real-time clients.
FDSN Specific Event tutorial Demostrates how to get waveforms for a specific event using the event ID and utilising information returned from querying event and station services.
FDSN Dataselect service tutorial Examples of using the FDSN dataselect service to request waveform data.
FDSN Event service tutorial Examples of using the FDSN event service to get event information and parse QuakeML.
FDSN Station service tutorial Examples of using the FDSN station service to get station information and parse StationXML.
Tilde Data Summary tutorial Demonstrates how to find what data exists, and show that as a table, map, or graph.
Tilde Data tutorial Demonstrates how to retrieve and graph data.
Tilde Data Statistics tutorial Demonstrates how to get different statistics from a data set.


These tutorials demonstrate how to retrieve and perform basic tasks with DART Data, using the Tilde API. The tutorials are presented in Jupyter notebooks and written in Python. Data included in these tutorials show examples using raw and de-tided water height data.

Tutorial name Description
Tilde Data Summary tutorial Demonstrates how to find what data exists, and show that as a table, map, or graph.
Tilde Data tutorial Demonstrates how to retrieve and graph data.
Tilde Data Statistics tutorial Demonstrates how to get different statistics from a data set.

Envirosensor Data

These tutorials demonstrate how to retrieve and perform basic tasks with Envirosensor Data, using the Tilde API. The tutorials are presented in Jupyter notebooks and written in Python.

Tutorial name Description
Tilde Data Summary tutorial Demonstrates how to find what data exists, and show that as a table, map, or graph.
Tilde Data tutorial Demonstrates how to retrieve and graph data.
Tilde Data Statistics tutorial Demonstrates how to get different statistics from a data set.

GNSS data

This tutorial demostrates how to retrieve and perform basic tasks with GNSS Data, mostly using the FITS API and DELTA repository. The tutorial is presented in a Jupyter notebook and written in Python.

Tutorial name Description
FITS Data Access tutorial Access and retrieve GNSS time series from the GeoNet Network using FITS.

Seismic data products

These notebooks demonstrate simple ways to use the GeoNet AWS and FDSN webservices to access seismic data. The tutorials are presented in Jupyter notebooks and written in Python.

Tutorial name Description
AWS Open Data tutorial Accessing seismic data products using the AWS Open Data Program.
FDSN Clients tutorial Demonstrates different ways to manage multiple clients, including the GeoNet archive and near real-time clients.
FDSN General tutorial Demostrates how to get waveforms for a specific event using the event ID and utilising information returned from querying event and station services.
FDSN Dataselect service tutorial Examples of using the FDSN dataselect service to request waveform data.
FDSN Event service tutorial Examples of using the FDSN event service to get event information and parse QuakeML.
FDSN Station service tutorial Examples of using the FDSN station service to get station information and parse StationXML.

Volcano data

Most volcano data are available through Tilde, with some still accessed through FITS. The tutorials are presented in Jupyter notebooks and written in Python.

Tutorial name Description
Tilde Data Summary tutorial Demonstrates how to find what data exists, and show that as a table, map, or graph.
Tilde Data tutorial Demonstrates how to retrieve and graph data.
Tilde Data Statistics tutorial Demonstrates how to get different statistics from a data set.
FITS Data Access tutorial Access and retrieve volcano data using FITS.