Port Hills, Christchurch Landslide Monitoring

After the 22 February 2011 Christchurch earthquake, GNS Science installed continuous GPS (cGPS), water-level, and rainfall monitoring equipment on selected landslides in the Port Hills suburbs of Christchurch.

A cGPS installation together with the weather station set-up at Sumner.

A cGPS installation together with the weather station set-up at Sumner.

A cGPS installation together with the weather station set-up at Sumner.
Another typical cGPS installation in the Port Hills.

Another typical cGPS installation in the Port Hills.

Another typical cGPS installation in the Port Hills.

The purpose of the monitoring is to provide data for research into the post-earthquake performance of these landslides. The equipment is not maintained to provide an automated hazard warning. Installation and monitoring of the sites is carried out under the GeoNet project. The monitoring data are freely available to anyone via the links below.

Installed Equipment

The equipment is powered by batteries with solar recharge. The collected data are sent via the mobile phone network to the GeoNet Data Centre in Lower Hutt.

Monitoring Equipment

Installed Monitoring Equipment
Site codeEquipment installedDate installedComments
WPA Water level3/11/2011Operational
WPB Water level1/11/2011Operational
WPC Water level31/10/2011Operational
WPD Water level1/10/2011Operational
WS1 Weather station9/03/2011Operational

Monitoring of these sites does not mean that continuing movement is necessarily expected to occur. However, if future movement of these sites were to occur, then the information from the monitoring would be useful to assess what factors may have contributed to the movement. These factors typically include rainfall and/or further earthquakes.

How are the data used?