Whakaari Volcano

Minor Volcanic Eruption at Whakaari/White Island. Volcanic Alert Level raised to Level 3 and Aviation Colour Code changed to Orange.

Published: Sat May 25 2024 11:50 AM
Volcanic Activity Bulletin
Volcanic Activity BulletinWI – 2024/05
Sat May 25 2024 11:45 AM; Whakaari/White Island Volcano
Volcanic Alert Level is raised to 3
Aviation Colour Code is raised to Orange

Another minor eruption occurred at Whakaari/White Island at approximately 08:10 am NZST today (May 25). The Volcanic Alert Level has been raised to Level 3 and the Aviation Colour Code changed to Orange.

Further minor volcanic eruptive activity occurred this morning at Whakaari/White Island.

Footage from our Whakatane camera indicates that this morning’s activity is very similar in size to what was observed yesterday. We noticed a vigorous steam-gas plume above the island at 8:10 am NZST. As we have no sensors on the island we are relying on webcams and satellite imagery to assess the situation. Based on our limited information there were no clear indications of volcanic ash in the plume. If there were, it would be unlikely to reach the mainland under current wind conditions.

The steam-gas plume above the island has now reverted to more normal levels.

GNS Science volcanologists are monitoring the volcano and further information will be released as available. As that information becomes available, we may change the Volcanic Alert Level to more accurately reflect the current situation.

For more information about current monitoring at Whakaari White Island see here.

Yannik Behr Duty Volcanologist

Media Contact 021 574 541 or media@gns.cri.nz