Craig Miller

Volcanic Activity Bulletin WI-2012/06 - White Island Volcano

Published: Fri Aug 10 2012 12:00 PM
Volcanic Activity Bulletin
Volcanic Activity BulletinWI-2012/06
Fri Aug 10 2012 12:00 PM; Whakaari/White Island Volcano
Volcanic Alert Level remains at 2
Aviation Colour Code remains at Orange

Overnight activity at White Island has remained at similar levels to yesterday. Volcanic tremor remains at low levels and a weak ash and steam plume is being emitted. The amount of ash emission varies over time and the plume is rising to only a few hundred metres above the island.

Reports last night of lightning from the island are incorrect. We have confirmed there was a lightning storm around 50km to the north of White Island which may have appeared as originating from the volcano when observed from the mainland. Satellite observations show no ash was detected in the atmosphere in sufficient quantities to cause lightning.

Predicted ashfall area for White Island

Predicted ashfall area for White Island

Predicted ashfall area for White Island

Visitors to White Island are now at the highest level of risk since the end of the 2001 eruptions. Additional hazards to visitors to the island now include the health effects of volcanic ash and acid gas exposure, including respiratory issues, skin and eye sensitivity to acid gases. Explosive eruptions can occur at any time with little or no warning. We advise a high level of caution should be taken if visiting the island.

Below this bulletin follows an ashfall prediction should ash continue to be emitted from the volcano.

We continue to monitor the volcano and will issue further updates as more information becomes available.

Craig Miller Duty Volcanologist