Art Jolly

Ruapehu Crater Lake cooling stops; Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2

Published: Tue Jun 7 2016 2:00 PM
Volcanic Activity Bulletin
Volcanic Activity BulletinRUA 2016/06
Tue Jun 7 2016 2:00 PM; Ruapehu Volcano
Volcanic Alert Level remains at 2
Aviation Colour Code remains Yellow

Mt Ruapehu remains in a state of heightened volcanic unrest. The temperature of the summit Crater Lake has declined from 46 ºC and is now 32 ºC. Moderate levels of volcanic tremor continue. Further gas measurements and water samples were collected last week from the lake. The Volcanic Alert Level remains at Level 2 (moderate to heightened unrest). The Aviation Colour Code is also unchanged, at Yellow.

Recent visits to the volcano have confirmed the output of volcanic gas (carbon dioxide CO2, hydrogen sulphide H2S and sulphur dioxide SO2) remains elevated above background levels but is declining. The lake temperature reached a high of 46 ºC on May 11 then the lake started to cool, declining to 30 ºC by June 2. Since then it has risen to the current temperature of 32 ºC. Water samples have been collected from the Crater Lake for chemical analysis. Moderate to low levels of volcanic tremor continue.

Data available at present indicates volcanic unrest continues at Mt Ruapehu. The volcanic alert level for Mt Ruapehu is Volcanic Alert Level 2 (moderate to heightened unrest). The Aviation Colour Code is Yellow. GNS Science volcanologists continue to closely monitor Ruapehu through the GeoNet project.

GeoNet chemists preparing to sample the Crater Lake

GeoNet chemists preparing to sample the Crater Lake

GeoNet chemists preparing to sample the Crater Lake
Mt Ruapehu Crater Lake

Mt Ruapehu Crater Lake

Mt Ruapehu Crater Lake

Art Jolly Duty Volcanologist

Media Contact: Brad Scott Volcanologist phone 07 3748211