M 5.7 Napier-Taradale Mon, Oct 6 1980

This earthquake was felt most strongly in the Napier and Taradale regions.

Download Event Information


PublicID 1561256
UTC Time 1980-10-05T15:32:50Z
Latitude -39.72 (± 0.0 km)
Longitude 176.87 (± 0.1 km)
Depth 30 km (± 3 km)
Depth Type free
Earth Model nz1d
Used Phase Count 17
Used Station Count 14
Standard Error 0.80 (s)
Azimuthal Gap 162.00 (degrees)
Minimum Distance 0.16 (degrees)


Type Magnitude Station Count
Preferred (Mw) 5.7  
ML 5.6 (± 0.2) 7
Mw 5.7 0
MS 5.6 0

GeoNet combines magnitudes into a summary magnitude, M, which consists of a weighted average of the individual magnitudes and attempts to be a best possible compromise between all magnitudes for a range of earthquake sizes. Summary magnitude for GeoNet is then defined as:

M = (2 * MLv + (0.4 * number_of stations(Mw(mB)) - 1) * Mw(mB)) / (2 + (0.4 * number_of_stations(Mw(mB)) - 1))

Where MLv is local magnitude calculated on the vertical component and Mw(mB) is a Mw estimation based of mB by Bormann and Saul (2008).

Origin Map

Map of New Zealand.

Map showing stations with picks used to locate the earthquake. Stations with picks that have a zero weight in the solution are shown as small grey circles. Those with a higher weight are shown as larger circles. The quake is shown by the largest circle.

Pick Residuals

-2.0- (s)0123Distance (degrees)Pick Residuals

Station Magnitudes (ML) (degrees)Station Magnitudes (ML)

Magnitude Residuals (ML)

- (degrees)Magnitude Residuals (ML)