Download Event Information
PublicID |
2016p858075 |
UTC Time |
2016-11-13T11:41:48Z |
Latitude |
-42.80 (± 9.7
Longitude |
175.76 (± 12.1
Depth |
0 km (± 0 km) |
Depth Type |
free |
Earth Model |
iasp91 |
Used Phase Count |
35 |
Used Station Count |
28 |
Standard Error |
7.30 (s) |
Azimuthal Gap |
228.74 (degrees) |
Minimum Distance |
3.56 (degrees) |
Type |
Magnitude |
Station Count |
Preferred (M) |
6.0 |
MLv |
6.1 (± 0.2) |
22 |
ML |
6.2 (± 0.2) |
22 |
mB |
6.2 (± 0.2) |
3 |
Mw(mB) |
5.9 (± 0.4) |
3 |
M |
6.0 |
22 |
GeoNet combines magnitudes into a summary magnitude, M, which consists of a weighted average of the individual magnitudes and attempts to be a best possible compromise between all magnitudes for a range of earthquake sizes.
Summary magnitude for GeoNet is then defined as:
M = (2 * MLv + (0.4 * number_of stations(Mw(mB)) - 1) * Mw(mB)) / (2 + (0.4 * number_of_stations(Mw(mB)) - 1))
Where MLv is local magnitude calculated on the vertical component and Mw(mB) is a Mw estimation based of mB by Bormann and Saul (2008).